1. Grant of License
By purchasing this Item, you are granted an ongoing, non-exclusive, worldwide license to use the digital asset (the "Item") under the terms outlined in this agreement. Please read the full license carefully for a detailed explanation of permitted uses and any frequently asked questions (FAQs), which form part of this agreement.

2. Usage Rights
You are permitted to use the Item to create one single End Product for yourself or for one client (referred to as a "single application"). The End Product can be shared or distributed for free.

3. Definition of End Product
An End Product is defined as a work that involves creativity and effort, which may include:

For templates: The End Product refers to a customized implementation of the Item.
Example: You purchase a logo template, and the End Product is a fully customized company logo with your brand's colors and details.

For other items: The End Product refers to a broader project that incorporates the Item along with additional elements, making it distinct from the original Item.
Example: You purchase an icon pack, and the End Product is a website design where those icons are used as part of the overall theme.

4. Permitted Uses

You are allowed to create one End Product for a client and transfer it to them for a fee. Once the End Product is transferred, the license for that project is passed on to the client.

You may make an unlimited number of copies of the End Product, as long as the End Product is distributed for free.

You are permitted to modify, adjust, and combine the Item with other works to create a derivative product, as long as the End Product adheres to the terms of this license.

Example: You license a brochure template, add your own photos, rearrange the layout, and print it to promote your event.

5. Restrictions

The End Product cannot be resold, except to a single client. If you or your client wish to sell the End Product, you will need to acquire an Extended License.

The Item cannot be redistributed as stock, in a tool, or as part of a template, even if modified.

Individual components of the Item cannot be extracted and used independently.

Example: If you license a website theme and modify it for a client, you cannot take individual elements from the theme (like a background image or font) and sell them separately.

The Item cannot be used in applications where end users can customize the product, such as website builders or “create-your-own” apps. For each unique product created by the end user, a separate license must be purchased.

Example: If you use a theme in a “create-your-own” website builder, you would need to purchase additional licenses for each separate website a user creates.

6. Limitations on Use

  • You are not allowed to permit end users of the End Product to extract the Item and use it separately.
  • The Item cannot be used as part of a logo, trademark, or service mark.

7. Additional License Terms

Some Items may contain components that are licensed separately, such as open-source or Creative Commons components. These will be identified in the Item description, and the terms for those components will apply.

In some cases, a "split license" may apply, where parts of the Item are licensed under an open-source license (e.g., GNU General Public License). If this applies, it will be clearly indicated in the download files.

Example: A WordPress theme you license may include some stock images that are covered by a Creative Commons license, while the theme itself is under a regular license.

8. Compliance and Termination

  • The Item must be used for lawful purposes only. If the Item includes any model-released images, you cannot use them in a way that implies endorsement or for sensitive subjects without explicit permission.
  • If the terms of this license are breached, the license will be terminated, and you must immediately stop distributing the End Product that includes the Item.

9. Ownership
The author of the Item retains full ownership and copyright of the Item. The terms outlined in this license govern your use of the Item. This agreement is between you and the author, not with the platform or marketplace.


  • End Product: A final product incorporating the Item, created through your skill and effort (see clause 3).
  • Free: No payment is required from the end user to access the End Product.
  • Sell or Sold: Any form of distribution or licensing for a fee, including reselling, sublicensing, or offering the Item in exchange for payment.
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