By purchasing or downloading items from Codesellmarket, you agree to the following terms regarding item availability:

Author's Rights
Authors retain the right to remove their items from the marketplace at any time without prior notice. Codesellmarket respects and upholds this right as part of our commitment to supporting the authors on our platform.

Responsibility for Backups
Buyers are strongly encouraged to download their purchased items immediately after purchase and maintain secure backups. Codesellmarket does not guarantee the continued availability of any item once it has been removed by the author.

No Liability
Codesellmarket is not responsible for items removed by authors, nor do we have any obligation to provide access to or replacements for such items.

Refunds will not be issued for items removed from the marketplace after purchase unless otherwise stated in our Refund Policy.

Disputes and Support
In case of disputes related to removed items, buyers are advised to contact the respective author directly for clarification or assistance.

By using the Codesellmarket platform, you acknowledge and accept these terms regarding item availability.

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