Apply for Refund

How to apply for refund, please follow all the steps to apply for refund

Go to your purchase history page and choose the item you want refund for
click on view button and you will find several details and a refund button click on it and give a detailed description about the item issue and author will respond to your request in 5 buisness days.

he will fix the issue you have for the item or if not then please contact to codesellmarket team via contact us page or creating a ticket. 

Please note that we do not refund your purchase in the following situations:

  • The reason for the refund is you have made an accidental purchase. 
  • The reason for the refund is you don't want the item anymore.
  • The item is not working as it should because you do not have the expertise to use the item correctly.
  • The problem is caused by a misconfigured environment is not by a defect of the item itself. 
  • You have not posted a message with a detailed description of the problem in the support section of the item or have not given the author the chance to solve the problem.
  • If the purchase is more then 10 days ago.